Lullingstone Roman Villa
one of the best known mosaics in britain 

The Lullingstone Roman Villa is a villa built during the Roman occupation of Britain, situated near the village of Eynsford in Kent, south eastern England. Constructed in the 1st century, perhaps around A. D. 80-90, the house was repeatedly expanded and occupied until it was destroyed by fire in the 5th century. The occupants were wealthy Romans or native Britons who had adopted Roman customs.

In 150 AD, the villa was considerably enlarged and may have been used as the country retreat of the governors of the Roman province of Britannia. Two sculpted marble busts found in the cellar may be those of Pertinax, governor in 185-186, and his father-in-law, Publius Helvius Successus.

In the 4th century the room above the pagan shrine was apparently converted to Christian use. The Christian house-church is a unique discovery for Roman Britain and the wall paintings are of international importance.


The Roman Villa at Lullingstone, Kent

This mosaic is unique in the Roman Empire In Greek mythology Europa was the mother of King Minos of Crete, the story of her abduction by Zeus in the form of a white bull This can especially be said of the story of Europaā€¯. and for whom the continent Europe was named.